McKinley: Decision to Block EPA Water Rule a Win for Farmers, Small Businesses Everywhere


Washington, DC – October 12, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — Earlier today a federal court of appeals blocked implementation of the EPA’s controversial proposed rule expanding its authority over water and wetlands.

The regulation, also known as “Waters of the U.S.,” would give the EPA significantly more power to regulate bodies of water, including intermittent streams and puddles. Previously this power only applied to “navigable waters” like rivers and lakes.

“The EPA’s unprecedented expansion of power would have a devastating effect on farmers, coal miners, and homeowners across West Virginia and the rest of the country,” said McKinley.“Once again the courts have rebuked President Obama’s overreach.”

“The fight is not over yet,” added McKinley. “We must continue to work to stop this drastic power grab using all means available including the courts and legislation.”

Rep. McKinley has joined multiple letters to delay or block the EPA’s rule and voted.


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